River & Desert Experiences

Come Venture OUT WITH US

Kalahari Outventures is a professional Adventure Safari company specialising in personalised wilderness trips on the Orange River or into the Green Kalahari Desert. Trips are small and exclusive…… making for an intimate outdoor experience with minimal impact to the environment. We pride ourselves in creating amazing wilderness experiences in the Northern Cape. Conservation minded….. we follow the strictest of ethical practices in sustainable tourism. Perfect for families, corporates, individual travellers, groups, clubs and social events.

With 20 years of onhand experience in the area we know how to satisfy your tastebuds for a lifetime experience in the outdoors. All our guides are trained and experienced with qualifications (APA, CATHSETA, SAMSA), delivering the very best guided adventures for your enjoyment. We offer full Client and Passenger Liability Insurances with a full Case Evac facility and a 24 hour Crisis Call Centre with SATIB. Having concessions in the Augrabies Falls National Park and Southern Cross Game Reserve we can offer top class exclusivity in uncommercial areas. Linked to our Sister company we can also offer adventure in Style by staying at the luxurious lodge, Tutwa Lodge. Or you can have a pure unplugged outdoor experience. We cater for everybody.


"Kalahari Outventures will fulfill your thrill with an
outventure or adventure…………… on the river or into the desert"

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